The Art of Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is a simple strategy for building new habits by "stacking" them onto an existing habit. This method makes it easier to adopt new healthy behaviours by associating them with habits you already perform regularly.

The Art of Habit Stacking

How Habit Stacking Works


1. Identify a current habit: Find a habit you already do consistently e.g. brushing your teeth, making coffee, checking your emails.


2. Choose a new habit: Pick a small, simple habit that you want to add to your routine.


3. Link the two: Use the formula "After/during I [existing habit], I will [new habit]".


Why It Works


1. Consistency: By attaching the new habit to something you already do without thinking, it helps you remember to perform the new action.


2. Ease: Starting with small, manageable tasks makes it easier to build up the new habit without feeling overwhelmed.


3. Compound Effect: Over time, stacking small habits can lead to significant lifestyle changes as they build upon one another.


My Healthy Habit Stacks


Anchor habit: Making the bed.

New healthy habit: Have a glass of water.


Anchor habit: Opening up your computer for the day.

New healthy habit: Write down three reasons you're grateful.


Anchor habit: Brushing your teeth.

New healthy habit: 10 x squats.


Anchor habit: Dinner then dishes.

New healthy habit: 15 minute stretch after dinner/before bed.


Anchor habit: Getting into bed at night.

New healthy habit: Read 10+ pages of a book.



Try stacking these simple habits alongside the Back to Work Pilates Program to see how small changes can lead to a more balanced life.

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