How Habit Stacking Works
1. Identify a current habit: Find a habit you already do consistently e.g. brushing your teeth, making coffee, checking your emails.
2. Choose a new habit: Pick a small, simple habit that you want to add to your routine.
3. Link the two: Use the formula "After/during I [existing habit], I will [new habit]".
Why It Works
1. Consistency: By attaching the new habit to something you already do without thinking, it helps you remember to perform the new action.
2. Ease: Starting with small, manageable tasks makes it easier to build up the new habit without feeling overwhelmed.
3. Compound Effect: Over time, stacking small habits can lead to significant lifestyle changes as they build upon one another.
My Healthy Habit Stacks
Anchor habit: Making the bed.
New healthy habit: Have a glass of water.
Anchor habit: Opening up your computer for the day.
New healthy habit: Write down three reasons you're grateful.
Anchor habit: Brushing your teeth.
New healthy habit: 10 x squats.
Anchor habit: Dinner then dishes.
New healthy habit: 15 minute stretch after dinner/before bed.
Anchor habit: Getting into bed at night.
New healthy habit: Read 10+ pages of a book.
Try stacking these simple habits alongside the Back to Work Pilates Program to see how small changes can lead to a more balanced life.