3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Posture

When your spine is happy and healthy, the flow-on effects for your health are huge. Here are 3 simple steps to improve your posture so you can feel stronger, stand taller and live longer!

3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Posture

Having good posture is about so much more than just sitting straight and walking with your shoulders back. Good posture is a fundamental pillar to a healthy life, influencing everything from your movement patterns, to your digestion, breathing efficiency, mental wellbeing, skin complexion, and more.



What is "good posture"?


Posture is the natural way you hold your body while you're sitting, standing and moving, and is a result of the way in which your spine and supporting muscles work together. There isn't a one-size-fits-all guide for good posture because each and every body is totally unique.


However, there are a few key principles that can help you maintain a strong, supported spine and body. The most effective way to do this is by preserving the natural curves of your spine.


Your spine has three natural curves – one in your neck (cervical spine), another in the middle of your back (thoracic spine) and the third in your lower back (lumbar spine). Together, these curves form a gentle S-shape. Good posture should support these natural curves without adding excess strain or unnatural bending in either direction.


Here are a few simple steps you can think about that will encourage good alignment and proper posture...


Align your head with your shoulders:


Avoid pushing your head too far forward or tilting it too far back. Keeping your head stacked on top of your shoulders will reduces strain in your neck (cervical spine).


Stack your shoulders over your hips:


Imagine a straight line running from your hips to your shoulders. Maintaining this alignment helps prevent slouching forward or backward. If you're sitting, try to maintain a 90-degree angle between your back and hips.


Stabilise your lower body:


If you're seated, keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent at approximately 90 degrees. If your feet don’t reach the floor, use a footrest for support. When standing, position your feet hip-width apart and distribute your weight evenly.


By focusing on these small adjustments, you can support your spine and overall posture without fixating on rigid “perfect” positioning.


The goal is to move in ways that feel strong, balanced and natural for your body – so you can sit, stand and move efficiently and without ache and pains.



You're never too young or old to work on your posture...


If your journey to good posture is still a WIP, Pilates can help!


Pilates focuses on engaging your deep core muscles while maintaining proper spinal alignment as you breathe and move through each exercise. You are constantly prompted to consider your spinal alignment – with the goal of strengthening different muscle groups efficiently and without pain.


Using Pilates to realign your spine and focus on correct movement patterns, you’ll be on your way to a better posture, standing taller, and living better for longer!


Every movement becomes easier and more enjoyable with good posture.

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