How long have you been a Pilates By Bel member?
I first started Pilates By Bel around six months ago when I trialled the postnatal classes. These were the perfect reintroduction to exercise!
How has Pilates By Bel impacted you?
Pilates has helped with both my strength and flexibility. I find a daytime class is also a perfect mental reset.
Fave PBB exercises & workouts?
Too many to choose from! I love the variety and the fact I can pick a different focus or length class depending on my day/energy levels.
I try to do a couple of classes per week and mix up full body with focused classes. A Sunday stretch class always feels good too!
Advice to anyone unsure but online Pilates?
The only advice I can give is to go for it! I’d previously doubted whether an online workout could be as good as an in-person class but PBB is incredibly challenging with the added bonus of being able to be done anywhere/anytime. I could not recommend these classes more.
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